You are here: MusicXML Reference > Opus Schema (XSD) > Complex Types > Complex Type: score

Complex Type: score


The score elements provide the links to the individual movements. The new-page attribute, added in Version 2.0, is used to indicate if the first page of the score is different than the last page of the previous score. If new-page is "yes", then a different page is used; if "no", then the same page is used. The default value is implementation-dependent.

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
xlink:href  xs:anyURI  No 
xlink:type  xs:NMTOKEN (restriction)  No 
xlink:role  xs:token  No 
xlink:title  xs:token  No 
xlink:show  xs:NMTOKEN (restriction)  No 
xlink:actuate  xs:NMTOKEN (restriction)  No 
new-page  yes-no  No 
Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="score">
    <xs:documentation>The score elements provide the links to the individual movements. The new-page attribute, added in Version 2.0, is used to indicate if the first page of the score is different than the last page of the previous score. If new-page is "yes", then a different page is used; if "no", then the same page is used. The default value is implementation-dependent.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="link-attributes" />
  <xs:attribute name="new-page" type="yes-no" />


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