You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Elements > Element: bar-style

Element: bar-style


The bar-style type represents barline style information. Choices are regular, dotted, dashed, heavy, light-light, light-heavy, heavy-light, heavy-heavy, tick (a short stroke through the top line), short (a partial barline between the 2nd and 4th lines), and none.

Derived By

Type bar-style-color

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
color  color  No 
Content Model

Contains text only.

Referenced By

regular (normal) barline

(regular is implied if no barline element is present in a measure)

      <barline location="right">

dotted barline

      <barline location="right">

dashed barline

      <barline location="right">

heavy (solid) barline

      <barline location="right">

double barline

      <barline location="right">

final barline

      <barline location="right">

heavy-light barline

      <barline location="right">

heavy-heavy barline

      <barline location="right">

tick barline

      <barline location="right">

short barline

      <barline location="right">

See barline


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