You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Elements > Element: kind

Element: kind [group harmony-chord]


Kind indicates the type of chord. Degree elements can then add, subtract, or alter from these starting points.
The attributes are used to indicate the formatting of the symbol. Since the kind element is the constant in all the harmony-chord groups that can make up a polychord, many formatting attributes are here.
The use-symbols attribute is yes if the kind should be represented when possible with harmony symbols rather than letters and numbers. These symbols include:
major: a triangle, like Unicode 25B3
minor: -, like Unicode 002D
augmented: +, like Unicode 002B
diminished: °, like Unicode 00B0
half-diminished: ø, like Unicode 00F8
For the major-minor kind, only the minor symbol is used when use-symbols is yes. The major symbol is set using the symbol attribute in the degree-value element. The corresponding degree-alter value will usually be 0 in this case.

Derived By

Type kind

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
use-symbols  yes-no  No  The use-symbols attribute is yes if the kind should be represented when possible with harmony symbols rather than letters and numbers. These symbols include: major: a triangle, like Unicode 25B3 minor: -, like Unicode 002D augmented: +, like Unicode 002B diminished: °, like Unicode 00B0 half-diminished: ø, like Unicode 00F8. For the major-minor kind, only the minor symbol is used when use-symbols is yes. The major symbol is set using the symbol attribute in the degree-value element. The corresponding degree-alter value will usually be 0 in this case.
text  xs:token  No  The text attribute describes how the kind should be spelled in a score. If use-symbols is yes, the value of the text attribute follows the symbol.
stack-degrees  yes-no  No  The stack-degrees attribute is yes if the degree elements should be stacked above each other.
parentheses-degrees  yes-no  No  The parentheses-degrees attribute is yes if all the degrees should be in parentheses.
bracket-degrees  yes-no  No  The bracket-degrees attribute is yes if all the degrees should be in a bracket. If not specified, these values are implementation-specific.
default-x  tenths  No 
default-y  tenths  No 
relative-x  tenths  No 
relative-y  tenths  No 
font-family  comma-separated-text  No 
font-style  font-style  No 
font-size  font-size  No 
font-weight  font-weight  No 
color  color  No 
halign  left-center-right  No 
valign  valign  No  The valign attribute is used to indicate vertical alignment to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline of the text or image. Defaults are implementation-dependent.
Content Model

Contains text only.

Referenced By

      <harmony default-y="25">
        <kind halign="center" text="maj">major</kind>

        <kind halign="center" use-symbols="yes">major-seventh</kind>

        <kind halign="center" text="m7">minor-seventh</kind>

        <kind halign="center" use-symbols="yes">diminished</kind>

        <kind halign="center" use-symbols="yes">half-diminished</kind>

        <kind halign="center" text="aug7">augmented-seventh</kind>

        <kind halign="center" use-symbols="yes">augmented-seventh</kind>


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