You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Elements > Element: page-margins

Element: page-margins


Page margins are specified either for both even and odd pages, or via separate odd and even page number values.

Derived By

Type page-margins

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
type  margin-type  No  The type attribute is not needed when used as part of a print element. If omitted when the page-margins type is used in the defaults element, "both" is the default value.
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
left-margin  tenths  1..1  The left-right-margins group specifies horizontal margins in tenths.
right-margin  tenths  1..1  The left-right-margins group specifies horizontal margins in tenths.
top-margin  tenths  1..1 
bottom-margin  tenths  1..1  Margins, page sizes, and distances are all measured in tenths to keep MusicXML data in a consistent coordinate system as much as possible. The translation to absolute units is done in the scaling element, which specifies how many millimeters are equal to how many tenths. For a staff height of 7 mm, millimeters would be set to 7 while tenths is set to 40. The ability to set a formula rather than a single scaling factor helps avoid roundoff errors.
Referenced By
      <page-margins type="both">


See page-layout


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