You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Elements > Element: rest

Element: rest [group full-note]


The rest element indicates notated rests or silences. Rest elements are usually empty, but placement on the staff can be specified using display-step and display-octave elements. If the measure attribute is set to yes, this indicates this is a complete measure rest.

Derived By

Type rest

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
measure  yes-no  No  If the measure attribute is set to yes, this indicates this is a complete measure rest.
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
display-step  step  1..1 

The display-step-octave group contains the sequence of elements used by both the rest and unpitched elements. This group is used to place rests and unpitched elements on the staff without implying that these elements have pitch. Positioning follows the current clef. If percussion clef is used, the display-step and display-octave elements are interpreted as if in treble clef, with a G in octave 4 on line 2. If not present, the note is placed on the middle line of the staff, generally used for a one-line staff.

display-octave  octave  1..1 

The display-step-octave group contains the sequence of elements used by both the rest and unpitched elements. This group is used to place rests and unpitched elements on the staff without implying that these elements have pitch. Positioning follows the current clef. If percussion clef is used, the display-step and display-octave elements are interpreted as if in treble clef, with a G in octave 4 on line 2. If not present, the note is placed on the middle line of the staff, generally used for a one-line staff.

Referenced By

      <note default-x="81">


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