You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Elements > Element: score-instrument

Element: score-instrument


The score-instrument type represents a single instrument within a score-part. As with the score-part type, each score-instrument has a required ID attribute, a name, and an optional abbreviation. A score-instrument type is also required if the score specifies MIDI 1.0 channels, banks, or programs. An initial midi-instrument assignment can also be made here. MusicXML software should be able to automatically assign reasonable channels and instruments without these elements in simple cases, such as where part names match General MIDI instrument names.

Derived By

Type score-instrument

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
id  xs:ID  Yes 
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
instrument-name  xs:string  1..1  The instrument-name element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.
instrument-abbreviation  xs:string  0..1  The optional instrument-abbreviation element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.
instrument-sound  xs:string  0..1  The instrument-sound element describes the default timbre of the score-instrument. This description is independent of a particular virtual or MIDI instrument specification and allows playback to be shared more easily between applications and libraries.
ensemble  positive-integer-or-empty  1..1  The ensemble element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by an ensemble such as an orchestral section. The text of the ensemble element contains the size of the section, or is empty if the ensemble size is not specified.
solo  empty  1..1  The solo element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by a solo instrument.
virtual-instrument  virtual-instrument  0..1  The virtual-instrument element defines a specific virtual instrument used for an instrument sound.
Referenced By
      <score-instrument id="P1-I1">

See score-part


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