You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Complex Types > Complex Type: arrow

Complex Type: arrow


The arrow element represents an arrow used for a musical technical indication.

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
default-x  tenths  No 
default-y  tenths  No 
relative-x  tenths  No 
relative-y  tenths  No 
font-family  comma-separated-text  No 
font-style  font-style  No 
font-size  font-size  No 
font-weight  font-weight  No 
color  color  No 
placement  above-below  No 
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
circular-arrow  circular-arrow  1..1 

The circular-arrow type represents the direction in which a circular arrow points, using Unicode arrow terminology.

arrow-direction  arrow-direction  1..1  The arrow-direction type represents the direction in which an arrow points, using Unicode arrow terminology.
arrow-style  arrow-style  0..1 

The arrow-style type represents the style of an arrow, using Unicode arrow terminology. Filled and hollow arrows indicate polygonal single arrows. Paired arrows are duplicate single arrows in the same direction. Combined arrows apply to double direction arrows like left right, indicating that an arrow in one direction should be combined with an arrow in the other direction.

Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="arrow">
    <xs:documentation>The arrow element represents an arrow used for a musical technical indication..</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="arrow-direction" type="arrow-direction" />
      <xs:element name="arrow-style" type="arrow-style" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="circular-arrow" type="circular-arrow">
        <xsd:documentation>The circular-arrow type represents the direction in which a circular arrow points, using Unicode arrow terminology.</xsd:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="print-style" />
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="placement" />


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