You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Complex Types > Complex Type: harmonic

Complex Type: harmonic


The harmonic type indicates natural and artificial harmonics. Allowing the type of pitch to be specified, combined with controls for appearance/playback differences, allows both the notation and the sound to be represented. Artificial harmonics can add a notated touching-pitch; artificial pinch harmonics will usually not notate a touching pitch. The attributes for the harmonic element refer to the use of the circular harmonic symbol, typically but not always used with natural harmonics.

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
print-object  yes-no  No 
default-x  tenths  No 
default-y  tenths  No 
relative-x  tenths  No 
relative-y  tenths  No 
font-family  comma-separated-text  No 
font-style  font-style  No 
font-size  font-size  No 
font-weight  font-weight  No 
color  color  No 
placement  above-below  No 
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
artificial  empty  1..1 

The artificial element indicates that this is an artificial harmonic.

natural  empty  1..1 

The natural element indicates that this is a natural harmonic. These are usually notated at base pitch rather than sounding pitch.

base-pitch  empty  1..1 

The base pitch is the pitch at which the string is played before touching to create the harmonic.

sounding-pitch  empty  1..1 

The sounding-pitch is the pitch which is heard when playing the harmonic.

touching-pitch  empty  1..1 

The touching-pitch is the pitch at which the string is touched lightly to produce the harmonic.

Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="harmonic">
    <xs:documentation>The harmonic type indicates natural and artificial harmonics. Allowing the type of pitch to be specified, combined with controls for appearance/playback differences, allows both the notation and the sound to be represented. Artificial harmonics can add a notated touching-pitch; artificial pinch harmonics will usually not notate a touching pitch. The attributes for the harmonic element refer to the use of the circular harmonic symbol, typically but not always used with natural harmonics.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="natural" type="empty">
          <xs:documentation>The natural element indicates that this is a natural harmonic. These are usually notated at base pitch rather than sounding pitch.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="artificial" type="empty">
          <xs:documentation>The artificial element indicates that this is an artificial harmonic.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="base-pitch" type="empty">
          <xs:documentation>The base pitch is the pitch at which the string is played before touching to create the harmonic.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="touching-pitch" type="empty">
          <xs:documentation>The touching-pitch is the pitch at which the string is touched lightly to produce the harmonic.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="sounding-pitch" type="empty">
          <xs:documentation>The sounding-pitch is the pitch which is heard when playing the harmonic.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="print-object" />
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="print-style" />
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="placement" />


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