You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Complex Types > Complex Type: note-type

Complex Type: note-type


The note-type type indicates the graphic note type. Values range from 256th to long.

Derived By

Extending note-type-value

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
size  symbol-size  No  The size attribute indicates full, cue, or large size, with full the default for regular notes and cue the default for cue and grace notes.
Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="note-type">
    <xs:documentation>The note-type type indicates the graphic note type. Values range from 256th to long. The size attribute indicates full, cue, or large size, with full the default for regular notes and cue the default for cue and grace notes.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="note-type-value">
      <xs:attribute name="size" type="symbol-size">


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