You are here: MusicXML Reference > Score Schema (XSD) > Complex Types > Complex Type: other-direction

Complex Type: other-direction


The other-direction type is used to define any direction symbols not yet in the current version of the MusicXML format. This allows extended representation, though without application interoperability.

Derived By

Extending xs:string

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
print-object  yes-no  No 
default-x  tenths  No 
default-y  tenths  No 
relative-x  tenths  No 
relative-y  tenths  No 
font-family  comma-separated-text  No 
font-style  font-style  No 
font-size  font-size  No 
font-weight  font-weight  No 
color  color  No 
halign  left-center-right  No 
valign  valign  No  The valign attribute is used to indicate vertical alignment to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline of the text or image. Defaults are implementation-dependent.
Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="other-direction">
    <xs:documentation>The other-direction type is used to define any direction symbols not yet in the current version of the MusicXML format. This allows extended representation, though without application interoperability.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="print-object" />
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="print-style-align" />


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