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Complex Type: credit


The credit type represents the appearance of the title, composer, arranger, lyricist, copyright, dedication, and other text and graphics that commonly appears on the first page of a score. The credit-words and credit-image elements are similar to the words and image elements for directions. However, since the credit is not part of a measure, the default-x and default-y attributes adjust the origin relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the first page. The enclosure for credit-words is none by default. By default, a series of credit-words elements within a single credit element follow one another in sequence visually. Non-positional formatting attributes are carried over from the previous element by default. The credit-type element, new in Version 3.0, indicates the purpose behind a credit. Multiple types of data may be combined in a single credit, so multiple elements may be used. Standard values include page number, title, subtitle, composer, arranger, lyricist, and rights.

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Name  Type  Required?  Default  Description 
page  xs:positiveInteger  No  The page attribute for the credit element specifies the page number where the credit should appear. This is an integer value that starts with 1 for the first page. Its value is 1 by default. Since credits occur before the music, these page numbers do not refer to the page numbering specified by the print element's page-number attribute.
Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
credit-type  xs:string  0..*  The credit-type element indicates the purpose behind a credit. Multiple types of data may be combined in a single credit, so multiple elements may be used. Standard values include page number, title, subtitle, composer, arranger, lyricist, and rights.
link  link  0..*  The link type serves as an outgoing simple XLink. It is also used to connect a MusicXML score with a MusicXML opus. If a relative link is used within a document that is part of a compressed MusicXML file, the link is relative to the  root folder of the zip file.
bookmark  bookmark  0..*  The bookmark type serves as a well-defined target for an incoming simple XLink.
credit-image  image  1..1  The credit-image element is similar to the image elements for directions. However, since the credit is not part of a measure, the default-x and default-y attributes adjust the origin relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the first page. The enclosure for credit-words is none by default.
credit-words  formatted-text  1..1 

The credit-words element is similar to the words element for directions. However, since the credit is not part of a measure, the default-x and default-y attributes adjust the origin relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the first page. The enclosure for credit-words is none by default.

By default, a series of credit-words elements within a single credit element follow one another in sequence visually. Non-positional formatting attributes are carried over from the previous element by default.

link  link  0..*  The link type serves as an outgoing simple XLink. It is also used to connect a MusicXML score with a MusicXML opus. If a relative link is used within a document that is part of a compressed MusicXML file, the link is relative to the  root folder of the zip file.
bookmark  bookmark  0..*  The bookmark type serves as a well-defined target for an incoming simple XLink.
credit-words  formatted-text  1..1 

The credit-words element is similar to the words element for directions. However, since the credit is not part of a measure, the default-x and default-y attributes adjust the origin relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the first page. The enclosure for credit-words is none by default.

By default, a series of credit-words elements within a single credit element follow one another in sequence visually. Non-positional formatting attributes are carried over from the previous element by default.

Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="credit">
    <xs:documentation>The credit type represents the appearance of the title, composer, arranger, lyricist, copyright, dedication, and other text and graphics that commonly appears on the first page of a score. The credit-words and credit-image elements are similar to the words and image elements for directions. However, since the credit is not part of a measure, the default-x and default-y attributes adjust the origin relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the first page. The enclosure for credit-words is none by default.

By default, a series of credit-words elements within a single credit element follow one another in sequence visually. Non-positional formatting attributes are carried over from the previous element by default.

The page attribute for the credit element, new in Version 2.0, specifies the page number where the credit should appear. This is an integer value that starts with 1 for the first page. Its value is 1 by default. Since credits occur before the music, these page numbers do not refer to the page numbering specified by the print element's page-number attribute.

The credit-type element, new in Version 3.0, indicates the purpose behind a credit. Multiple types of data may be combined in a single credit, so multiple elements may be used. Standard values include page number, title, subtitle, composer, arranger, lyricist, and rights.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="credit-type" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation>The credit-type element indicates the purpose behind a credit. Multiple types of data may be combined in a single credit, so multiple elements may be used. Standard values include page number, title, subtitle, composer, arranger, lyricist, and rights.</xsd:documentation>
    <xs:element name="link" type="link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation>The link type serves as an outgoing simple XLink. It is also used to connect a MusicXML score with a MusicXML opus. If a relative link is used within a document that is part of a compressed MusicXML file, the link is relative to the  root folder of the zip file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bookmark" type="bookmark" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation>The bookmark type serves as a well-defined target for an incoming simple XLink.</xsd:documentation>
      <xs:element name="credit-image" type="image" />
        <xs:element name="credit-words" type="formatted-text" />
        <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element name="link" type="link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
          <xs:element name="bookmark" type="bookmark" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
          <xs:element name="credit-words" type="formatted-text" />
  <xs:attribute name="page" type="xs:positiveInteger">
      <xsd:documentation>The page attribute for the credit element specifies the page number where the credit should appear. This is an integer value that starts with 1 for the first page. Its value is 1 by default. Since credits occur before the music, these page numbers do not refer to the page numbering specified by the print element's page-number attribute.</xsd:documentation>


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