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Complex Type: figure


The figure type represents a single figure within a figured-bass element.

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Default  Description 
prefix  style-text  0..1 

Values for the prefix element include the accidental values sharp, flat, natural, double-sharp, flat-flat, and sharp-sharp. The prefix element may contain additional values for symbols specific to particular figured bass styles.

figure-number  style-text  0..1 

A figure-number is a number. Overstrikes of the figure number are represented in the suffix element.

suffix  style-text  0..1 

Values for the suffix element include the accidental values sharp, flat, natural, double-sharp, flat-flat, and sharp-sharp. Suffixes include both symbols that come after the figure number and those that overstrike the figure number. The suffix value slash is used for slashed numbers indicating chromatic alteration. The orientation and display of the slash usually depends on the figure number. The suffix element may contain additional values for symbols specific to particular figured bass styles.

extend  extend  0..1 

The extend type represents lyric word extension / melisma lines as well as figured bass extensions.

Referenced By
<xs:complexType name="figure">
    <xs:documentation>The figure type represents a single figure within a figured-bass element.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="prefix" type="style-text" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Values for the prefix element include the accidental values sharp, flat, natural, double-sharp, flat-flat, and sharp-sharp. The prefix element may contain additional values for symbols specific to particular figured bass styles.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="figure-number" type="style-text" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>A figure-number is a number. Overstrikes of the figure number are represented in the suffix element.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="suffix" type="style-text" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Values for the suffix element include the accidental values sharp, flat, natural, double-sharp, flat-flat, and sharp-sharp. Suffixes include both symbols that come after the figure number and those that overstrike the figure number. The suffix value slash is used for slashed numbers indicating chromatic alteration. The orientation and display of the slash usually depends on the figure number. The suffix element may contain additional values for symbols specific to particular figured bass styles.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="extend" type="extend" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation>The extend type represents lyric word extension / melisma lines as well as figured bass extensions. The optional type and position attributes are added in Version 3.0 to provide better formatting control.</xsd:documentation>


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